
Facilitations & Offsites

“Sessions that are far greater than the sum of their parts.”

Our team brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to each session.
With broad backgrounds and engaging workshop styles, you can be sure you will be working with some of the best in the business.

Driven by curiosity and a determination to empower individuals to make the best personal impact, we have a combined experience of working with
over 110,000 people globally.

Discover how Positive Impact curates sessions that
allow you and your business to thrive.

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See our latest customer story here

What We Facilitate

Customized To Your Needs

  • Culture Shift & Engagement
  • Purpose & Values Creation
  • Vision & Mission
  • Strategic Planning
  • Collaboration & Empowerment
  • Process Improvement
  • Leadership Development
  • Productivity & Communication
  • Offsites and logistics curation

Off The Shelf’ Solutions

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Great content is only made better by great facilitators

will chambers

As the Owner and Founder of Positive Impact, Will empowers people around the world to lead their best life by blending the art of coaching, integrating mindfulness principles with skills learned from over a decade’s experience with one of the top-three best-known brands globally. The result is a meaningful vision and a gratifying journey. Read more about Will’s journey from Coca-Cola to Positive Impact below.

lindsay davis

Lindsay was recently awarded the Top Entrepreneur Coach by the Coach Foundation. She is a passionate entrepreneur, guide, and coach. She brings her experience as a director and divisional head, along with an international coaching certification to help entrepreneurs and business leaders achieve the strategic growth, scale and success they strive for. The focus is on building a highly strategic plan, finance model and leadership team to support this growth.

michael lorsch

Bringing over a decade of leadership and development experience ranging from improv stages to executive offices, Michael has worked with over 50,000 people across North America in supporting their own personal and professional development.

jason maraschiello

Jason is a certified Life / Corporate Coach, Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, and Yoga instructor with training in Suicide Intervention (ASIST) NLP, MBSR, MBCT, and Peer Support. Jason focuses his work on developing specific tools to suit each client’s individual needs. He works with clients to help them let go of the stories we tell ourselves and that others tell us and focus on finding our most authentic self.

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Discover how Positive Impact curates sessions that allow you and your business to thrive.

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Client Case Study

Canadian Space Engineering Company

Shifts and changes.

What is the continuing result? – Learning cycle
Ongoing project growth.

Deeper case study on the Testimonials page.

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Featured Workshop


Communication and Feedback training for Engineers and Tech Companies

As technically competent individuals get promoted and progress through the business, their communication and feedback competencies need to grow too!

This workshop was born out of necessity for our client’s needs. Our clients were seeing on multiple occasions, all across the business, that communication and feedback skills weren’t keeping up. This was causing a breakdown in communication, inefficiencies, burnout and unhappy employees.

This workshop focuses on upskilling individuals to meet the needs of the business. Attendees will learn why this is important to their role, tangible skills and the tactics to have essential conversations.

Let’s upskill your team’s communication skills so that it’s as good as their technical abilities.

Customer Stories

See the results.

Programs in partnership with Eventology

Global Innovation Game

Generate brilliant new, innovative ideas as a team in a creative remote environment!

A team-building activity that fosters creativity, inclusion, and good communication skills as it invites participants to generate and share new ideas as a team. The Global Innovation Game can be facilitated in-person or online.

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Peak Performance

A team-building activity where teams work together to guide an expedition to summit Mount Everest.

An emotionally gripping experiential learning activity where teams lead their guides up Mount Everest to the summit and return safely to basecamp over a 20-day expedition. Specifically designed to develop collaborative decision-making and agile thinking in remote teams. Peak Performance can be facilitated in person or online.


At Positive Impact, we curate an ideal environment for people to succeed. This includes elements of psychological safety for attendees to be at their best and bring their best selves to each session. Facilitators help groups work together more effectively. They plan, guide, and manage learning content to ensure that the group’s objectives are met effectively, with clear thinking, good participation, and buy-in from everyone involved. They remain neutral and focus on enabling the group to take control and responsibility for the outcome.

A facilitator can be an essential part of any process where there’s a need for collaboration, team building, or problem-solving. They can help improve meetings, workshops, and discussions by encouraging participation and interaction, managing conflicts, and ensuring that everyone’s ideas and thoughts are heard. If your team struggles with making decisions, reaching consensus, or is going through a significant change, a facilitator could be very beneficial.

While it’s possible for someone within your company to act as a facilitator, there are advantages to hiring an external one. An external facilitator brings a fresh perspective, impartiality, and has no vested interests. They can manage the process objectively and ensure everyone in the group has an equal voice. Positive Impact’s facilitators bring the combined experience of working with over 110,000 people globally and will provide learnings and perspectives that will be beneficial to your company.

You should look for a facilitator who has experience working with companies of your size and in your industry. It’s crucial to check their credentials, ask for references, and request a detailed proposal outlining their approach to your specific needs. A good facilitator should also be able to adapt to the unique dynamics of your team and have a range of techniques to manage different situations.

The cost of hiring a facilitator can vary, depending on the complexity of the project, the duration of the facilitation and the amount of attendees. Positive Impact will provide a detailed proposal and quote after discussing the specifics of the project with you. If you’re curious, please drop us a question. We’d love to hear from you.

Positive Impact facilitators are trained in conflict resolution and are experienced in managing situations where there are disagreements or tensions within a group. They create an environment where all voices can be heard and conflicts can be navigated in a respectful and productive way.

The facilitator’s role is not to make decisions but rather to guide the group to make their own decisions. Facilitators provide structure to discussions and help to ensure that all voices are heard, all perspectives are considered, and a consensus can be reached. They do this while maintaining an impartial stance to avoid influencing the decision-making process.

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“75% of transformation is in the logistics”

Choosing the right professional for any job can be daunting – it’s no secret that quality and cost are often inversely related. But, by delivering exactly what is agreed upon at an appropriate rate, anyone hired to complete a task has the potential to make their client feel confident about their choice – as well as more likely to refer to others. To help you understand how best to conduct yourself when working with organizations of all sizes, we’ve put together this guide below – read on!

To help you make the right decision, here’s what Positive Impact’s clients say about us.

First of all, if you’re not familiar with what a facilitator does, start here.

But if you’re already familiar, here are the 13 definitive skills you’ll find in a good facilitator:

1. You set the stage

Essentially, you’re creating an environment that is conducive to optimal learning, development, and collaboration. There are a few key things to keep in mind when setting the stage:

  • Make sure everyone feels safe and respected. This includes ensuring that there is a diversity of perspectives and backgrounds represented in the group.
  • Establish ground rules for how the group will work together. These rules should promote respectful dialogue and constructive feedback.
  • Create an agenda that is clear and achievable. This will help focus the group’s discussion and ensure that everyone has a chance to contribute.

2. You’re a deep, active listener

This means being present and engaged in the discussion while also paying attention to nonverbal cues. Active listening requires you to:

  • Listen for understanding. This means trying to see the issue from the other person’s perspective. Not simply listening to respond.
  • Seek clarification. If you’re not sure you understand what someone is saying, ask them to explain further.
  • Reflect on what you’ve heard. This helps ensure you’ve understood the other person’s point of view.
  • Acknowledge the other person’s thoughts and perspectives. This shows that you’re listening and empathizing with their experience.

3. You’re never caught off guard

This means being able to adapt and keep the discussion flowing. There are a few key things to keep in mind when dealing with new information:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask challenging questions. If you’re not sure about something, it’s better to ask for clarification than to make assumptions.
  • Be open-minded. Try to see the issue from different perspectives and consider all points of view.
  • Be decisive and agile. When presented with new information, decide how it will impact the discussion and move forward.

4. You’re aware of who’s in the room (and who isn’t)

A facilitator needs to be aware of who is in the room to understand the hierarchy structure and what group dynamics are at play. This allows you to manage the discussion, identify potential areas of conflict, and keep the conversation moving forward.

It’s also important for a facilitator to understand group dynamics. This includes things like identifying the decision-makers in the group, understanding how people interact with each other, and being aware of any potential power struggles that could arise.

By understanding these dynamics, you can more effectively facilitate discussions and ensure that everyone feels heard and that decisions are fair and presented transparently.

5. You’re a master at providing guidelines and clear instructions

No matter what the goal of the facilitation is, providing clear and concise guidelines is paramount to the success of the session. Without these, it can be difficult for participants to understand their expectations or to stay on track.

As a facilitator, your job is to make sure that everyone is on the same page from the start. This means being clear about the goals of the facilitation, outlining any community guidelines, and providing any necessary background information.

6. You create an inclusive environment

As a facilitator, you play a critical role in creating an inclusive environment for everyone involved. By ensuring that everyone feels valued and respected, you help create a space where everyone can contribute and thrive.

Here are some tips for creating an inclusive environment:

  • Make sure everyone feels welcome. When people feel like they belong, they’re more likely to engage with the group. How? This feels vague
  • Encourage open communication. Create an environment where people feel safe speaking up and sharing their ideas.
  • Invite different perspectives. Showing respect for others’ opinions, experiences, and perspectives helps create a sense of understanding and community.

7. You can get people excited and engaged

This means being able to tap into what makes the group tick and then using that knowledge to create an environment where they can learn and grow.

First, it’s important to understand what motivates your audience. What are their goals? What do they hope to achieve by attending your session? Once you know this, you can craft your messaging and activities accordingly.

It’s also important to be aware of different learning styles. Some people are visual learners who need to see things to understand them. Others are auditory learners who benefit from hearing information presented in a certain way. Others are kinesthetic learners who need to physically experience something to understand it. By catering to all these different learning styles, you’ll be more likely to engage everyone in your session.

Finally, don’t forget the power of enthusiasm! If you’re passionate about what you’re doing, that will come across in your delivery and help to get others excited about what you’re teaching. When having an excited and engaged audience, they’ll be more likely to learn and retain the information you present.

8. You’re an expert time manager

You know how to manage time, and you’re always respectful of the time that’s agreed upon. That’s why you make a great facilitator! You understand that time is precious, and you know how to use it wisely. You can help others do the same by ensuring that everyone stays on track and remains focused on the task at hand. Keep the meetings productive and efficient, allowing everyone to leave feeling satisfied with the results.

9. Your ability to change with the times is crucial

The world is constantly evolving, and new information is always emerging. If you’re not able to change and adapt your facilitation style, you will quickly become outdated, ineffective, and likely out of work!

Being flexible and adaptable also allows you to better serve your clients. Each client is different, and each situation is unique. By being flexible, you can tailor your facilitation style to best meet the needs of your client.

So, if you want to be an effective facilitator, change and adaptation is crucial. It’s the only way to keep up with the ever-changing world around us. For example, try incorporating team-building activities as part of your facilitation.

To learn more about team-building activities, check out Peak Performance and Global Innovation Game.

10. You break the cycle of unproductive conversations

As a facilitator, it’s important to break the cycle of unproductive conversations. All too often, these types of conversations go in circles, with each person trying to one-up the other. This only leads to frustration, and resentment and can lead to the deterioration of relationships.

Breaking this cycle can be difficult, but it’s essential if you want to create a productive environment. The first step is to identify when a conversation is starting to go off track. If you see people getting impatient or defensive, that’s usually a sign that things are heading in a direction that may need some guidance.

At this point, you may need to step in and direct the conversation. Keep everyone focused on the task at hand and try to bring up new points.

11. You read energy levels and keep everyone going

A facilitator must be able to read and understand the energy levels of everyone in the room. If someone’s energy is low, it’s the facilitator’s job to get them re-engaged. This might mean moving them to a different seat or asking them a question that will get them thinking. It’s all about keeping the energy levels up so that everyone can participate in the discussion.

A facilitator’s tool kit will be filled with energizing activities to implement after lunch or at an energy lull.

12. You curb office politics and the saying, “This is how we’ve always done it”

Here’s why that’s important:

  • Office politics can derail productivity and create an environment of distrust.
  • “This is how we’ve always done it” is a limiting belief that prevents creativity and innovation.
  • Both of these things lead to a less effective organization.

So, as a facilitator, it’s your job to keep things on track by curbing office politics and encouraging new ways of thinking. Only then will the organization be able to reach its full potential.

There are countless reasons to hire a facilitator for your business; at Positive Impact, we can promise you won’t regret it.

13. You’re unbiased

You need to be able to see all sides of every perspective and make decisions that are in the best interest of the group. But sometimes, it can be difficult to remain unbiased, especially when you have strong opinions on certain topics. If you find yourself struggling to remain impartial, here are a few tips that might help:

  • Shift ‘judgment’ to ‘wonder’. Avoid making assumptions. It’s easy to make assumptions or judgments about people or situations, but this can often lead to misunderstandings or conflict. Try to get all the facts by being curious and filled with wonder before drawing any conclusions.
  • Remember that everyone has different opinions. Just because someone doesn’t share your views doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It’s important to respect other people’s opinions, even if you don’t agree with them.
  • Try to see both sides of every issue. It’s easy to get caught up in your own point of view, but it’s important to consider all the facts before deciding.
  • Be open-minded. When you’re faced with a new idea or concept, try to keep an open mind and consider the possibility that it could be beneficial.
  • Keep your personal feelings out of it. This can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that as a facilitator, you need to remain objective. If you allow your personal feelings to influence your decisions, it will be difficult for others to trust your judgment.

The key to success as a facilitator lies in the ability to balance authority and collaboration. Professional facilitators should be able to lead conversations, think critically on their feet, and create an open environment where everyone feels heard and respected. If you’re looking for a facilitator who can approach every challenge with honesty, empathy, and innovation, then look no further than Positive Impact. We have the tools, experience, and expertise to make your goals a reality. Reach out today, and let us turn your potential into a success!

Let’s get started!

Discover how Positive Impact curates sessions that allow you and your business to thrive.