
Facilitations & Offsites

“Sessions that are far greater than the sum of their parts.”

Our team brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to each session.
With broad backgrounds and engaging workshop styles, you can be sure you will be working with some of the best in the business.

Driven by curiosity and a determination to empower individuals to make the best personal impact, we have a combined experience of working with
over 110,000 people globally.

Discover how Positive Impact curates sessions that
allow you and your business to thrive.

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See our latest customer story here

What We Facilitate

Customized To Your Needs

  • Culture Shift & Engagement
  • Purpose & Values Creation
  • Vision & Mission
  • Strategic Planning
  • Collaboration & Empowerment
  • Process Improvement
  • Leadership Development
  • Productivity & Communication
  • Offsites and logistics curation

Off The Shelf’ Solutions

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Great content is only made better by great facilitators

will chambers

As the Owner and Founder of Positive Impact, Will empowers people around the world to lead their best life by blending the art of coaching, integrating mindfulness principles with skills learned from over a decade’s experience with one of the top-three best-known brands globally. The result is a meaningful vision and a gratifying journey. Read more about Will’s journey from Coca-Cola to Positive Impact below.

lindsay davis

Lindsay was recently awarded the Top Entrepreneur Coach by the Coach Foundation. She is a passionate entrepreneur, guide, and coach. She brings her experience as a director and divisional head, along with an international coaching certification to help entrepreneurs and business leaders achieve the strategic growth, scale and success they strive for. The focus is on building a highly strategic plan, finance model and leadership team to support this growth.

michael lorsch

Bringing over a decade of leadership and development experience ranging from improv stages to executive offices, Michael has worked with over 50,000 people across North America in supporting their own personal and professional development.

jason maraschiello

Jason is a certified Life / Corporate Coach, Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, and Yoga instructor with training in Suicide Intervention (ASIST) NLP, MBSR, MBCT, and Peer Support. Jason focuses his work on developing specific tools to suit each client’s individual needs. He works with clients to help them let go of the stories we tell ourselves and that others tell us and focus on finding our most authentic self.

Let’s get started!

Discover how Positive Impact curates sessions that allow you and your business to thrive.

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Client Case Study

Canadian Space Engineering Company

Shifts and changes.

What is the continuing result? – Learning cycle
Ongoing project growth.

Deeper case study on the Testimonials page.

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Featured Workshop


Communication and Feedback training for Engineers and Tech Companies

As technically competent individuals get promoted and progress through the business, their communication and feedback competencies need to grow too!

This workshop was born out of necessity for our client’s needs. Our clients were seeing on multiple occasions, all across the business, that communication and feedback skills weren’t keeping up. This was causing a breakdown in communication, inefficiencies, burnout and unhappy employees.

This workshop focuses on upskilling individuals to meet the needs of the business. Attendees will learn why this is important to their role, tangible skills and the tactics to have essential conversations.

Let’s upskill your team’s communication skills so that it’s as good as their technical abilities.

Customer Stories

See the results.

Programs in partnership with Eventology

Global Innovation Game

Generate brilliant new, innovative ideas as a team in a creative remote environment!

A team-building activity that fosters creativity, inclusion, and good communication skills as it invites participants to generate and share new ideas as a team. The Global Innovation Game can be facilitated in-person or online.

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Peak Performance

A team-building activity where teams work together to guide an expedition to summit Mount Everest.

An emotionally gripping experiential learning activity where teams lead their guides up Mount Everest to the summit and return safely to basecamp over a 20-day expedition. Specifically designed to develop collaborative decision-making and agile thinking in remote teams. Peak Performance can be facilitated in person or online.


At Positive Impact, we curate an ideal environment for people to succeed. This includes elements of psychological safety for attendees to be at their best and bring their best selves to each session. Facilitators help groups work together more effectively. They plan, guide, and manage learning content to ensure that the group’s objectives are met effectively, with clear thinking, good participation, and buy-in from everyone involved. They remain neutral and focus on enabling the group to take control and responsibility for the outcome.

A facilitator can be an essential part of any process where there’s a need for collaboration, team building, or problem-solving. They can help improve meetings, workshops, and discussions by encouraging participation and interaction, managing conflicts, and ensuring that everyone’s ideas and thoughts are heard. If your team struggles with making decisions, reaching consensus, or is going through a significant change, a facilitator could be very beneficial.

While it’s possible for someone within your company to act as a facilitator, there are advantages to hiring an external one. An external facilitator brings a fresh perspective, impartiality, and has no vested interests. They can manage the process objectively and ensure everyone in the group has an equal voice. Positive Impact’s facilitators bring the combined experience of working with over 110,000 people globally and will provide learnings and perspectives that will be beneficial to your company.

You should look for a facilitator who has experience working with companies of your size and in your industry. It’s crucial to check their credentials, ask for references, and request a detailed proposal outlining their approach to your specific needs. A good facilitator should also be able to adapt to the unique dynamics of your team and have a range of techniques to manage different situations.

The cost of hiring a facilitator can vary, depending on the complexity of the project, the duration of the facilitation and the amount of attendees. Positive Impact will provide a detailed proposal and quote after discussing the specifics of the project with you. If you’re curious, please drop us a question. We’d love to hear from you.

Positive Impact facilitators are trained in conflict resolution and are experienced in managing situations where there are disagreements or tensions within a group. They create an environment where all voices can be heard and conflicts can be navigated in a respectful and productive way.

The facilitator’s role is not to make decisions but rather to guide the group to make their own decisions. Facilitators provide structure to discussions and help to ensure that all voices are heard, all perspectives are considered, and a consensus can be reached. They do this while maintaining an impartial stance to avoid influencing the decision-making process.

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You’ve likely considered hiring an external facilitator for your business; whether to help foster growth and development or resolve conflict. But there are other reasons to use a professional facilitator that you may not have thought of.

Here are 15 reasons why you should consider hiring a professional facilitator:

1 . You’ll benefit from a wide array of experience

With countless sessions under their belt for a plethora of different organizations, professional facilitators can help your team take advantage of opportunities as they come. Their experience helps them think quickly and effectively so that they can help you “see the forest through the trees” in real time. Even if a facilitator hasn’t worked in your specific niche or knows the ins and outs of your business, they will provide tools and perspectives gleaned from their professional experience.

For more information, explore ”what a facilitator’s role is” on our facilitator’s blog.

2. External facilitators have an unbiased, fresh perspective

Unlike an internal facilitator like an existing manager, an external one won’t have personal biases, maintaining their ability to see things objectively. This is because they come from the outside looking in, with a detached perspective. They can more accurately assess a situation offer unbiased perspectives and ask the right questions that you may not have thought of or considered.

3. Facilitators are action-oriented and have a purpose

Professional facilitators are not only experienced in running successful meetings but also in action-oriented designing sessions. This means that they will work with you to ensure that each meeting has a specific purpose and goal and that attendees leave knowing their most important next steps to take. This way, you can be sure that each meeting is productive and efficient.

4. They inspire positive energy and valuable change

A meeting that’s carefully crafted can help improve the team’s morale, motivation, and relationships. Nothing is worse than a meeting that could have been an email. A professional facilitator will know how to incorporate workshops, activities, and other techniques into the meeting that’ll be helpful for those aspects of a team. So, you can expect more valuable and positive changes to come out of the meeting.

An external facilitator can help keep the energy level up by keeping things moving and keeping people engaged.

5. A facilitator can find common ground.

A professional facilitator creates cohesion so that thoughts and ideas can move forward. They help ensure that everyone feels heard and respected. It’s important that everyone feels like they have a chance to speak up and feel valued in a meeting. But this can be difficult to achieve, especially if there are introverts or shy people in the group. However, facilitators are often experts at coaxing people out of their shells.

6. They have no problem challenging the status quo

If you’re looking to challenge the status quo and create change in your organization, then you need a professional facilitator. They’re not afraid to push boundaries and ask challenging questions. They know how to get your people thinking outside of the box so that they can come up with creative solutions to their own problems.

7. Facilitators can help beyond providing a strategy

Professional facilitators do more than just moderate meetings.—They can help a leadership team clarify what they need, identify, and gather information before the meeting begins, and determine which teams of people need to be consulted. After the strategy meeting and needs assessment, a professional facilitator will guide and support the executive team in translating outputs into firmer plans. If you’re curious about how a facilitator can benefit your company, click here and get in touch.

8. It’s a more cost-effective way to positive results

Engaging your Leadership team is costly because it involves important people taking time away from their work and busy agendas. If not run correctly, you’ll waste time, money, and morale. A professional facilitator minimizes wasted time by providing the necessary skill set to lead a productive meeting that covers the planned agenda and focuses on specific goals. Facilitators keep discussions from becoming too over-encumbered, derailed, or general. This increases the meeting’s effectiveness and efficiency, which saves time and money!

9. A skilled facilitator can help to build consensus and morale

A professional facilitator is excellent at helping a group build agreement by mediating conflicts and creating a cohesive, shared vision for the team and company. They understand how to get individuals talking about pressing issues so that everyone involved can conclude. Also, a facilitator can boost morale within a team by supplying support and motivation. This is especially useful during challenging times.

10. Facilitators can act as a coach, confidant, or mentor to your leadership team

A professional facilitator can help your leadership team to build trust and rapport. Facilitators are excellent at active listening and giving unbiased feedback and perspectives. They can also offer confidential support and coach leaders who may be struggling with work-related or personal issues.

11. Hiring a professional facilitator shows that you’re committed to making your business or organization better

When you hire a professional facilitator, it’s evident you’re committed to making a positive impact (pun intended). Facilitators are experts in their field and can help you to achieve your goals. Additionally, using a facilitator also sends the message that you value everyone’s input and want to create an environment where everyone can thrive.

12. Facilitators create a tailor-made agenda for your organization

Professional facilitators will work with you to create an agenda that’s specific to your organizational goals. This means you’ll have a focused and productive meeting or offsite, and all attendees will know what’s expected of them. Having a clear agenda also allows for better time management, as there won’t be any wasted time discussing irrelevant topics.

13. It allows you to be a part of the conversation, as opposed to leading it

As a manager, you’ll be able to focus on being an active participant. If you choose to take on the facilitator role, it’s hard to be a participating member of the group. You will be focusing on things like logistics, time management, and keeping the discussion on track. Whereas, if you hire an external facilitator, you be fully present in the conversation.

14. You’ll create a safe and brave space

Safe spaces are where attendees can feel physically and psychologically safe. This is important to allow everyone to be at their best and bring their best self. Inviting attendees to be brave and to “step up and step back” will yield powerful session outcomes and learnings.

15. A skilled facilitator will help you uncover what needs to be addressed within your organization.

They will help you get to the heart of the matter so that you can move forward with a clear plan. Often internal employees might have a biased view where they can’t see “the forest through the trees.” Facilitators specialize in identifying what processes or parts of your business, if focused on, would lead to the highest ROI.

If you’re looking for a facilitator for an upcoming meeting or training event, consider Positive Impact. Our skilled team offers facilitation and innovation workshops that have proven to help companies achieve the next level of employee engagement, growth, and creativity. These are some of the skills that fantastic facilitators often possess.

Let’s get started!

Discover how Positive Impact curates sessions that allow you and your business to thrive.